From Paws to Prom
Join our next meeting! Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 8:00pm at The Field House, Chester NJ Thinking of becoming a Junior? Email
Operation Paws for a Cause

Come visit us this Sunday, October 8th as we collect donations for our 3rd annual Operation Paws for a Cause. We will be collecting from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Well Bred (in Chester) has graciously offered up their storefront for us to set up and collect pet food donations to support the Randolph Regional Animal Shelter, which helps unwanted pets find their forever homes.
You can help by dropping off any of the following items to our collection bins on Friday or Saturday at Winkies in Chester or Kings in Mendham and Sunday at our collection event at Well Bred in Chester between 11am - 5pm.
Canned Cat food
Temptations cat treats
Purina complete cat chow (blue bag)
Paper bowls
Bully sticks or other long-lasting treats Cans of pumpkin/mashed potatoes to stuff kongs Kongs
Canned tunafish
Scratch pads/posts
Paper cat litter (e.g., yesterdays news)
Martingale collars leashes
Cat & dog toys
Jars of peanut butter
Fish oil
Gently used towels/sheets
Spooktacular Creations

Let the Fall festivities begin! Keep an eye out in your child’s backpack or “digital backpack” for the kickoff of our Halloween Poster Contest, a chance for elementary school students to express their creativity in a fun and lighthearted contest. Posters are due Friday, October 13th. Students will be receiving information through the following participating schools: Hilltop, Mendham Township and Dickerson and Bragg Elementary Schools. Special thanks to Taylor's Ice Cream for donating the prizes for our talented winners! Check out the winning posters that will be displayed at Kings in Mendham October 20th - November 1st!
Mothers Celebrating Mothers

Each year, the West Morris Junior Women’s Club has the privilege of putting together Mother’s Day gift baskets for young mothers who are staying at a local women’s shelter. This program is for Juniors only for confidentiality reasons, and we are so grateful to all our members who went above and beyond in their generosity this year. You are all amazing! Together we curated 27 truly beautiful gift baskets with assorted personal care items, beauty products, jewelry, journals, and so much more. This included 42 card kits for the kids staying in the safehouse, so they could make special Mother’s Day gifts for their moms. An extra thanks to those who donated items in bulk, including: Baskets donated by Laufer, Dalena, Jensen, Bradley & Doran, LLC (coordinated by Alexis Laufer) Color Street nail sets donated by Amy Dow Dunkin Donuts gift cards donated by Innovare Medical Media (coordinated by Alexis Laufer) Lip balms donated by Surly Girl (coordinated by Sayrah Garrison) Dental supplies for adults and kids donated by Carter Smile (coordinated by Liza Saunders) Beautiful elephant strength bracelets handcrafted by Amanda Valenta
Prom 2023: A Night to Remember

Photography by Ryan Sands Photography Juniors, friends, and couples from across the West Morris area danced the night away on June 2 at our annual Prom Gala, a glamorous evening of drinks, tapas, silent auctions, and raffles at the historic Black Horse Tavern in Mendham. We hope you had as much fun as we did! This event raises most of the funds we use to host our service programs all throughout the year. We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to the generosity of our gala sponsors, raffle and silent auction donors, and all those who attended and bid on items, we raised enough funds to cover our operating costs for the rest of 2023 and part of 2024. We were also able to donate $2,000 to JDRF, a leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes research. This is a remarkable achievement and we couldn’t have done it without the dedicated members of our prom committee and every single member of the West Morris community who gave their time, talent, and treasures to make this event a reality! It seriously took a village. Thank you to our sponsors:

Thank you to our local community for generously supporting our event with donations!
Who we are: The West Morris Junior Women's Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has been meeting local needs across the greater West Morris area since 1957. Our programs support a variety of causes, which include K-12 education, senior citizens, local small businesses, female entrepreneurship, student scholarships, crisis relief efforts, food drives, holiday gifts for families in need, survivors of abuse, and more.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead